Surgery went wall today. They took him back about 12:15 and he got out around 3. They drained over 2 liters of fluid from his left lung. Josh said that the doctor said that he would have to do it two more times to get all the fluid off. I didn’t get to speak with him. The EGD showed varices in the stomach, most likely do to splenic vein obstruction which would be caused by the enlarged spleen. He said that there wasn’t really anything they could do for that. They are going to do a CT scan tomorrow to rule out a bowel obstruction.
Josh was in some pain tonight. He was coughing a LOT due to the state of the lung. As much as coughing hurts it is very good for his lungs. His left lung will need to be “taught” to expand fully again. With the size of the plural effusion he had his lung had not been able to fully expand in a while.
And lastly, the old saying “if it ain’t one thing its another” is so true. As if my life isn’t crazy enough…my great grandma died early this morning. She had some CHF and had been on hospice but it still is sad when someone dies. She did live a very long, happy life.

This post was posted on Thursday August 28, 2008 at 8:45PM