Round 4 ended on Friday. I stayed with Josh all day at the cancer center anxiously awaiting ringing the bell. At 2:15 the chemo was officially over and he rang the bell. I got pictures…lots of pictures even his nurse took pictures of us…crying. After we left the cancer center he wanted the great 611 steakhouse. He ate a whole 8 oz steak, french fries, and a salad. Then we went to Subway on the way home to get him a sub for dinner, he ate a 6 inch sub before I left for work at 5! He had been feeling well until Monday. Thankfully he felt well enough on Monday morning to go with me to register Kobie for school. By Monday night he was feeling bad and its been downhill since then.
Today I had to force him to go to his pulmonologist appointment. He didn’t want to go because he didn’t feel like it. We really liked Dr. Keeley. He took another chest xray which showed that one of the two tumors that was originally seen on the first chest xray is gone and the other one is almost gone. He does have a LOT of fluid around his left lung. He has to have an EKG and another CT done tomorrow to see if he has pericardial effusion (fluid around his heart) along with plural effusion (fluid around his lung).
This post was posted on Wednesday August 20, 2008 at 7:04PM